Pave a new path

Galveston Bay Foundation has been on a journey to establish a permanent home on the Bay. Today, this vision is becoming a reality! But we still need your help.

We are in the final stretch of our campaign to build the Gessner Center, Galveston Bay Foundation’s new state-of-the-art headquarters and education building. The Center will be a model for energy efficiency and water conservation and will contain an array of program spaces, including classrooms, meeting rooms, exhibit space, and a lab equipped for water analysis and other research.

The Gessner Center will make it possible for Galveston Bay Foundation to do more than ever to preserve and enhance Galveston Bay as a healthy and productive place for generations to come.

Support Us

Here’s how you can help

We are reaching out to the community to ask for your support – and there is no better time to give, because a generous friend of Galveston Bay has offered to match your donation. Gifts of every amount will count toward our campaign goal.

To recognize your gift, we would be delighted to inscribe your name or the name of a loved on a paving stone along a path by the Gessner Center. Please see the below donation levels and their exclusive offers.

Make A Contribution
Please contact Galveston Bay Foundation (281-332-3381) for details about additional campaign donor recognition opportunities for gifts at the $20,000 level and above.

The impact of your gift

Completion of the Gessner Center and other key features of our new Kemah campus – including trails, boardwalks, an observation deck, and a pier to facilitate access to the Bay – will have a powerful impact on Galveston Bay Foundation’s mission and programs. Specifically, the new campus will make it possible for us to:

Expand public access to the Bay, which is currently extremely limited for many people living in the Gulf Coast region

Feature on-site exhibits and demonstration projects on water conservation, water quality, and habitat restoration

Expand our work as a steward of the Bay and protector of the region’s water quality

Increase public understanding of and support for the importance of Galveston Bay, the nation’s seventh largest estuary

Significantly expand GBF’s water- and land-based education programs to engage and inspire the next generation of Bay stewards

Want to learn more about Galveston Bay Foundation?

Visit our website